One doubt arose in the mind of a noble vigilante

In his fantasy world Anamateur is a Noble Vigilante living and acting in crisis-striken "Jazzopia", while "Peace", his everlasting muse, is a talented painter who creates that doubt in his mind...

To Pirulita with love

Is Pirulita an existing girl or an allegory for that deceiving SYRIZA? If you ask Anamateur, he'll probably say that the first case is true, but you will most probably believe otherwise.

A certainty blossomed in the heart of the enlightened tyrant(-ess)

In his fantasy world Anamateur is an unknown politician living and acting in crisis-striken "Jazzopia", convincing the heart of Peace, his everlasting muse, that she is the Enlightened Tyrant(-ess)...

Dedicated to Joanna A.P.

Is Joanna A.P. an existing girl or an allegory for flirtatious center-right wing anti-SYRIZA front? If you ask Anamateur, he'll probably say that the first case is true, but you will most probably believe otherwise.

Ἀνθελλάδα 2021 (AntiGreece 2021)

Dedicated to Koulis Mitsotakis and his "Greece 2021" committee. Première: 25 March of 2021.

Ὁ Ἀναματερὸς κι ἡ Παινεμένη Ὑφάντρα (Anamateros and the Praised Weaver)

Is 'Penemeni Yfantra' an existing girl? Yes, she is. And she tells Anamateur (not completely uninfluenced by the Greek patriarchy's clichés...) what he never expected to hear.

Лика Лика входит в монастырь (καὶ ἄλλα singles) (Lika Lika going to the Monastery (and other singles))

A compilation album with Anamateur's 'singles'.